Contact W6JLK

This is the place to send Dr. Jonathan L. Kramer, W6JLK a message.  Alternatively, you can try Jonathan on Ham Radio Hotline Extension 61 0000 2691 (best between 10 a.m. and 4:00 p.m Pacific Time).

Sorry, but here’s the legal stuff: DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT send any privileged or confidential information via this form. The use of this form does NOT create any legal relationship between us, and specifically your use of this form or a call of any type to Jonathan does NOT create any attorney-client relationship between us.

Note: If you’re looking to book Dr. Kramer to speak at a ham radio club meeting, you should offer at least 2 dates in the body of your message at least 30 days out.  Also, include the physical location of the ham club meeting, or if the meeting is online.  This will help determining whether a particular date will work into Dr. Kramer’s schedule.

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